Today, we are wrapping up our series on abortion by comparing two of the greatest evils in our modern times; abortion and slavery. Now, this might be a shocking statement for some of you to hear but here it is:
Abortion is NOT equal to slavery!
You heard that right. Abortion is not equal to slavery because abortion is actually much, much worse. Today, we’re going to compare some of the similarities between abortion and slavery in the U.S. as well as uncover why abortion is the greater of two evils, so stay with us as we dive in.
The Civil War era of United States history was a violent and volatile time as countryman fought countryman, brother against brother, in the bloodiest war in our nation's history. Still today, a number of people will argue that the Civil War was not fought over the issue of slavery, but that it was over the matter of states rights. Fair point. But, one of the primary rights being fought to the death to protect? The right to keep slaves. A similar war of rhetoric is happening today as our nation is split in a political battle over what some refer to as “Women’s reproductive rights.” To be clear, we are in no way advocating for women to be forcibly sterilized nor are we advocating for women to be forced to reproduce, so the argument for “Women’s reproductive rights” is somewhere we should all be able to find middle ground. What we are saying is that once a man and woman have reproduced a distinct human life within her womb, she does not have the right to end that life or hire someone else to do so. Semantics and propaganda are not the only similarities found within the pro-choice movement and the Antebellum south.
One of the biggest and darkest connections between slavery and abortion come from the commoditization and monetization of human beings. According to your guy Charles Darwin, blacks are not equal to whites as homo sapiens as blacks and people of color are supposedly more closely related to our ape-like ancestors while whites are more evolved. Wait.
What’s that? Darwin’s theory of evolution was actually a direct outgrowth of his deep seated racism?!?! How could this have slipped by? He must have worked really hard to hide that from the institutions which bought into his theories and have since made them doctrine in the education systems around the world! Oh wait, he actually titled his book “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life?” Well, I guess we’ll just have to plug our noses and keep on walking like that didn’t happen.
Anyways, Darwinian evolution, the twisting and perversion of scripture, and the willful blindness of wicked men allowed slavery to treat men, women and children as property; to be bought and sold, used and beaten. A similar argument is made today – children in the womb are not people, they’re a clump of cells. They’re not living. They’re not conscious. Whatever we have to tell ourselves to continue on in willful blindness as we brutally end the lives of an estimated 2,548 babies every single day. Rather than being based in ethnic bias, abortion relies on ageism – because you haven’t lived as long and developed to a point that I would arbitrarily decide – a detectable heartbeat, 3-months gestation, 6 months, 9 months, birth – then you’re not a human being. And, let’s not forget that the founder of planned parenthood, Margaret Sanger, the woman praised by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, saw abortion as a means of eugenics, removing undesirables, the poor, the unintellectual and the lesser races, from the gene pool. Specifically, she referred to colored people as “human weeds” that “need to be exterminated.” I’m sure the fact that the vast majority of Planned Parenthood centers in our country are located in impoverished areas and communities with a higher population of blacks and other non-white ethnicities, is completely coincidental. Afterall, those are the people who need those services most, right? I mean, that’s what Margaret Sanger thought, at least.
One of the reasons that slavery was such a hard fought battle in the U.S. is because, in many states, the economy was built on it. There was money to be made in the buying and selling of human beings. Thankfully, slavery is now illegal in the U.S. and people are not allowed to be bought and sold and treated like commoditites anymore. In fact, you can’t even sell human body parts – like if I needed a kidney and you were a match, you couldn’t sell me your second kidney. That is against the law. Interestingly, that prohibition even goes all the way down to the body parts of aborted babies. Why? According to the abortion laws in many states, babies in the womb are not people, not protected and not given basic human rights. So, if they’re not human, once they’re removed from the womb, why shouldn’t someone be able to do whatever they want with it? It’s not living, it was never “alive,” it’s not a person, it’s not human, it’s just a clump of cells. If I blew my nose into a tissue, you would also find a clump of cells. If someone wanted to buy that tissue from me, we would think they were gross and weird, but criminal? The logical inconsistencies expose what we know to be true; this is not a clump of cells, this is a human being, so it is illegal to sell any part of them. Well, that’s the law, at least. But, surprisingly, those who knowingly and willfully make their living by taking the lives of the unborn don’t seem to have a high regard for the law, either. In 2015, an undercover journalist was able to record conversations with Planned Parenthood executives where they discussed the buying and selling of infant remains, right down to the price of a liver. They discussed, in detail, how the procedure would take place in order to preserve the organs they were trying to procure and even the legality issues, admitting that all of this had to be done through third party organizations in order to protect Planned Parenthood in the event that any of this was exposed.
It's all there. On camera admitting to criminal activity that has been going on for decades. This video did lead to a trial and it was the undercover investigator who found himself facing criminal charges for falsifying government documents by using a fake ID in his meetings and, more amazingly, attempting to buy baby parts when he offered, as part of his undercover investigation, infant remains. Planned Parenthood, along with many national media outlets, championed this case as an example of pro-life extremists trying to disparage the name and reputation of the organization. Early on, it was decided that the investigator, David Daleiden, was the one who needed to be investigated and the grand jury never even took a vote on charging Planned Parenthood. But, the story doesn’t end there. In 2021, the Judge who sentenced Daleiden to pay $16 million dollars in damages was charged with criminal activity by not recusing himself from cases in which he or his family had a financial interest in. Daleiden’s attorney’s had asked for Judge Orrick to recuse himself from their trial as he had previous ties and actually played a key role as secretary of a Good Samaritan Family Resource Center when they chose to begin partnering with Planned Parenthood, even hosting a clinic out of their facility.
All of this, however, only goes to exemplify the corruption within the abortion industry and those with an interest in protecting it. As a nation, we have already admitted the most basic and most important truth; we cannot allow the commoditization of abortion victims because – and this is the important part – they are human beings. If they were anything less, then the established law makes no sense. But, we know that babies in the womb are human just as the slave owners during the Civil War knew that the people in their fields were human. It is time that we stop the macabre charade. It is time we stop playing semantic games trying to score political points. It is time that we turn our time, energy and resources away from trying to make the problem go away and instead towards how can we help the mothers who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy as well as the children they are pregnant with. America, it’s time, once and for all, to abort abortion.